Art Will Save You

For the longest time, I have been dealing with self-doubts and self-criticism. So many poems, articles, and stories weren’t born because I doubted it wasn’t good enough to have a life.

I still have the urge to write a perfect line.
I still have the urge to write a perfect plot.
I still have the urge to write something so perfect,
that I never write– that I’m scared of not matching my expectations.

I remember the days when I started writing–how peaceful was it for me– how I used to just dump everything without caring if it was perfect enough to write or post. I remember how cathartic the experience of writing was– even if I wrote just one line.

But, for many months, I have been observing this self-doubt and urge to be perfect has taken over my love for creating art– that I have blank pages more than written experiences. Even while writing this I’m constantly struggling with the thought of — is this okay? should I write and post it?

Me performing at an open-mic


Like seriously why judge so much that it breaks your damn spine? that it takes your dreams away? that it paralyzes your ability to create?

There are no damn rules to write.
There are no standards to measure art.
Art exists to break the fundamentals, patterns, and processes.

Art is free and it makes you free. Art is a river flowing and flooding. Art is wind singing, listening, and screaming. Art is an experience treasured. Art is about blooming and withering. Art is birds chirping and building nests.

Art holds you when you find everything is shattering and collapsing.
Art saves you.

So, if you want to create something– just fkn do it.
Create for the sake of creating– without any expectations, bars, and judgments.

Don’t hesitate because of you or the world.
Your art deserves to have a life.

~ archita

